WWABC FUND BUCKETS: There are 3 different “buckets” that are used to support WHS Athletics: General Booster General Fund Bucket, Booster Discretionary Team Fund Bucket, and WHS Fund 6 Bucket.
BOOSTER GENERAL FUND BUCKET: Monies raised by active members of the WWABC are used to support the Athletic Department at Wakefield High School. These funds are placed in the general WWABC Bank Account to support ALL WHS sports teams. Currently these are fundraisers used to fund the General Booster Fund Bucket:
- 60% of SchoolFunder Fundraiser
- Concessions at home sporting events
- Booster Membership Pass Sales
- WHS Merchandise Booth Sales
- Online Merch Store
- Sponsorships from local businesses
- Legacy Walkway Bricks
- Grants
- Directed Donations
- % of hosted Tourney proceeds
BOOSTER DISCRETIONARY TEAM FUND BUCKET: Monies raised by a team directly will be deposited in the Discretionary Team fund for that sport. These funds can be raised in many different ways, but here are a few that have been successful over the years:
- 40% of SchoolFunder Fundraiser
- 100% of parent directed donations
- Team Dues (if any)
- Car Wash Fundraiser
- Coupon Book Sales
- Yard Sign Fundraiser
- Camps for youth
- Spirit Nights at local restaurants
- Field Rentals
- % of hosted Tourney proceeds
WHS FUND 6 ATHLETIC FUND BUCKET: The Athletic Director of Wakefield High School has a separate
fund, called Fund 6 Athletic Fund, that is used for the purpose of supporting WHS Athletics. This fund is completely separate from WWABC Funds. The Fund 6 Athletic Fund obtains money through:
- Ticket sales from home sporting events
- Annual WCPSS funding of $10,000.
Now that you know how the monies are raised and where they’re housed, let's look into how each of the funds can be utilized. The table below indicates how these funds are used:
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